BE a Contribution in Turbulent Times
Do you feel empowered or disempowered by world events?
And everywhere you have bought the point of view that you require to be or have more than you are already to make a difference in our world will you please destroy and uncreate all of it now?
You are enough. You are MORE than enough. You are Magical and an influencer by being you and you have more power and potency than you were brought up to acknowledge
Will you acknowledge it for yourself?
You may feel sadness, confusion, shock, and pain.
Or if you have been empowered with tools of consciousness you may ask
How does it get any better than this?
Truly, we have chosen to live during these times.
What contribution can we BE
To create a different reality?
I invite you to a space of consciousness
To introduce you
Empower you
And create with you a new reality
With no wars, no pain no more shock and trauma.
What will it take?
Will you choose that?
You are welcome to the Gift Zoom that we created on October 10th, 2023. You will receive a file to download the recordings.
Thank you for being.
What is truly possible now with consciousness that was not possible before?
With Gratitude,